The majority of difficulties in anger control come from the lack of emotional skills and not knowing how to respond to challenges and confrontations. The solution is not to stop getting angry, but to learn how to control the response and use assertive communication.
We all become angry from time to time. Anger is a strong emotion which can easily affect us and lead to significant consequences. Those who know how to handle their anger well, stand to gain enormously as they can aim to get what they want while maintaining healthy relationships with others.
Changing the relationship to anger includes:
- Understanding anger
- Identifying anger triggers
- Value identification
- Appropriate response development
- Assertiveness
Content of a Training Course
This course helps participants to learn how to respond to this strong emotion and channel its energy in the right direction. This course is not necessarily limited to people who suffer from chronic anger. It is designed to help anyone at any level to simply become emotionally skilled and respond to others in controlled ways.
- Definition of Anger
- Aggression Cycle
- Controlling Anger
- Assertive Communication
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Responding to Conflict
- Managing Confrontations
- Apologising & Forgiveness
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course participants will be able to control their emotional balance when responding to events and act in a way to get maximum results while maintaining their relationships.
Anyone who wants to become emotionally skilled and respond to others in controlled ways.
1 day