Personal Effectiveness
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Personal effectiveness is about developing the “soft” skills of life that we often take for granted as being common sense behaviours. Using all your resources such as your skills, time, energy, strengths and talents to master life and achieve your goals.
If you were never exposed to these skills or taught them growing up you may not be aware that they are learned behaviours. Learning to manage yourself impacts your personal effectiveness and requires an ability to reflect on your behaviours, beliefs and values.
Personal effectiveness skills available as training includes assertiveness, anger management, body language, conflict management, emotional competency, handling difficult people, motivation, persuasion, creativity, negotiation skills, stress management, goal setting.
Be the Best You Can Be

We come into contact with a lot of different people and some of them we can find difficult to deal with for a variety of reasons. If they are in your family or at your workplace is can be hard. It is possible to develop effective mental attitudes and use techniques to maintain peaceful and productive relationships.
To move forward in life we need to know what we want and stay motivated to achieve them. Along that journey we often need to persuade others to support us or to gain something and be able to do that creatively. Motivation, persuasion and creativity are inter-related skills toward achievement of goals.

Having goals is an important psychosocial need. Learning to develop effective goals using the SMART system in alignment with personal values provides a foundation for living with purpose and providing a sense of meaning.